Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Over the Jebel Mountains...

Over the other side of the mountains lies someone who I so much care about, I stood in the Jebel mountains on the side of Oman, thinking. I could almost hear her breathing in the winds. It was hot and humid but the beauty was breathtaking. ‘Just half an hour to Dubai Memsaab,’ my guide said. Could he read the loss on my face, the sadness in my eyes?

Six degrees of separation between us when so many times I travelled. I do not feel anxious for this person as she is with her blood relations. Just I was feeling a bit happy looking at the’ tangri kebabs’ which she loved as a dish, the words of the past echo in my ears…’Well, I have my priorities…’. Like glass bowl shattering upon concrete, I feel as I shut the door and lock it once again. A door of our memories together. I don’t leave them in the Jebel mountains in her land. I leave a part of myself there.

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