Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pathological Scavengers

There are some people who forever live on the mercy of others. Pathological beggars or scavengers. You may find them often ranting at their sad condition. How miserable their lives are or their living conditions are. I have a parent like that. Whenever I oppose such self pity. I am cursed that I can’t tolerate anyone or no one would ever want to live with me. Tell me should I fear these curses? What could be any bigger than a curse of having such a pathological and pathetic scavenger as a parent.  A person who never took the initiative of taking their lives in their control. Every other day I break my back at work trying to earn the peanuts that I get. A wretched economy and a wasted life which I have in my own country. Can I help it? I could have had a better life somewhere else tells many. But I have made this choice of rotting my soul here. I am happy in my own way. I do not sit and rant only. I also fight to change it. So what if I am still left biting the dirt in most cases.

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