Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Green Maze Muse

Happy Birthday to my ex-Senior. I have been luckily inspired to create a whole junkyard of passionate poems dedicated to this beautiful mesmerizing green knight. Well memories of our confused relation and how much I loved to embarrass her still puts a smile on my here's the last one which is a sequence to the first love poem in this blog.

'The Green Maze Revisited'

Long since I have walked in the green maze...
Long since I have held that gaze...
Long since I have looked on those hills...
Long since I got drenched in the monsoon drizzles.

It seems like a past life so dear
Its seems so distant yet so near
The rivers change their courses
The seasons rotate and disappear
I find myself lost
When I wonder how I got here...
But I can just close my eyes and dream again
Of the hills, of the rain drenched paths, of the smiles,
Of the riddles, of the journeys...
I can get lost again...
In the endless green,
And search for that flame
To show me the way
Out of this night...
Into the day.

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