Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Drawing or sketching someone passionately can be akin to other experiences. It's like being God and creating the physical features once again. You realize which of the features must have been most difficult to create.

On the other hand, sketching can also be exploring or making love to a person passionately. You take up each feature, put your focus on to it, and keep on trying to put it to perfection to the original.

I sketched one of my coworkers recently and can't help falling in love with this person. The large expressive eyes which had touches of sorrow and twinkles of amusement. The long nose which was a perfectly etched hill and you have to balance yourself on it, till you fall onto the lips. The lips were most difficult as they had a serene smile on them. The person looked divine with an expression of affection. All these were difficult to capture as they just took my breath away. I was lost in them.

When I handed over my half baked work to this person, I couldn't help feeling shy as it felt like I was already proposing. And is it not mysterious that the person insisted on putting my signature on all the sketches as a token of ownership of the art? If only it could have been the copyright on the object of my art such as the vermilion adorning the forehead of an Indian married woman.

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