Thursday, September 15, 2011

Soul Searching

Sometimes you have the general feeling of being lost and without any direction. Your best friend of opposite sex tells you everything would have been so different if you were married to him.

He wouldn't have pined for a child and I wouldn't have been without a man in my life. I cannot blame him because he was always ready to be with me but I was and still feel just a friendly feeling for him.

Life has given me enough chances of soul searching. Instead of turning me bitter, it has made me a sweeter and kind person. I am sometimes surprised at my behavior. I do not believe in worshiping God in the temple but in people around. I don't know how much I succeed to be tender yet strong but I do try.

An employee, a very sincere worker is leaving today but we had no idea that his release date is today. He treated us to ice-cream which I did not have, thanks to my throat. I also did not join the farewell party but I left secret chocolates on his desk. People did not get a chance to buy him a farewell gift, but it was wonderful to see the amused sunshine smile on his face while he found the chocolates.

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