Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stagnancy at a Crossroad

Some times your life comes to a horrible stagnancy at a crossroad. You need to move out fast but you don't know which direction. You also have no idea on how many choices you will have or how your decision will affect you.

I planned so well and everything was right in place as a landed a job at a place I wanted. The gym subscription was ending and also the rent agreement. I was also completing a fair amount of on the job experience.

But all comes with an irony of excess finances which I cannot cope with. I am just frozen and I can't wait here till something hits me and I die. I need to get out.Most times I know what the outcome is and that does not make things easier for me. Perhaps it makes me accept and resign myself to fate more. I do not fight knowing well what the outcome will be.

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