Sunday, August 28, 2011


May be every sort of relationship that is born is actually born out of necessity. What happens when there are no necessities or when necessities end? How are relationships affected by this?

For example, the liberated uber flamboyant chic I met online. I don't know whether I should call her or not. My heart says I should, but mind feels ego tight, so I started using the all too familiar manager's instrument called forecasting to forecast about all the future possibilities. Well I think 'am not going to be public with the forecasting possible outcomes.

But one thing I would like to say that I really like the chic's super attitude. I know her too less to consider it as a show of. She is too much flamboyant and in the face and flirty in a raw way. I never ever met a woman like that. She totally blew me away with that even before I saw her pic, I had risen in inspiration as opposed to fallen in love.

I must say how much I want her to think about me and desire me and that would really flame my ego of being the object of focus of such a person. I can't do anything else because I am sure she is turned off by my age (am I way younger?), my current straight relationship, my location, and perhaps the current situation in life. I am also not a damsel in distress as I can compete with her in all other aspects of self confidence and security. Is it necessity that is driving me to create a bridge between us? What sort?

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