Monday, August 15, 2011

Room In impression

I saw one of the most romantic films of recent times, 'Room in Rome'. Thanks to my friend who is doing research in Lesbian portrayal in contemporary films and literature.

I never thought a one night stand can be romanticized so beautifully along with the concept of soul connection. The movie just revolves around one night when two women from two different ethnicities meet. The brunette and the blonde and how their characters, sensibilities, and feelings for each other evolve through out a torrid passionate night in a hotel room.

Italian music, art and romantic renaissance atmosphere is perhaps portrayed nowhere in so much harmony.You do not have to be a lesbian to feel the movie. The women who come together out of curiosity, lust, and attraction and how they connect through conversations on art, life, poetry and hopelessly fall in love with the breaking dawn on their face.

I will never forget how the bed sheet becomes a flag raised on a hoist as a manifesto of their feelings which can otherwise cannot be revealed. I will never forget when Alba lies in a pool of blood in the bathtub with an arrown in her heart and points to the painting of Cupid with the bow on the wall. The kisses which are very short at the beginning become passionate and lingering towards the end. The lust changes to just being together romping in the bath tub.

The movie starts in the street and ends there with an open ending when Dasha calls out Alba's name and runs to her as she departs from the city. I really don't know how a man might interpret this movie where minimum amount is paid for costumes as the lead chracters are always in their skin glorifying the nude all exposed self so beautifully portayed in DH Lawrence's 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'among others.

Not only romanticism, the movie has its own share of humour and who can forget about the 'boiled cucumber' and 'leaving it in the bathtub'.

I will download this movie and keep it as an asset and Elena Anaya who plays Alba, well she was quite a revelation (pun intended).

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