Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sweet Stranger

I lay on the grass gazing at the night sky,

Looking deep and mysterious like you.

It gazed down on me, yet remained so far;

I gazed on… till it turned blue.

I was drenched in the dew;

I could hear birds waking up;

My tired eyes felt heavy;

I wished for a tea cup.

You may wonder, do I think about you?

Do I still remember lying on the bed of roses?

Do I remember your touch and

The warm embraces?

I do remember you looking at me,

From across a crowded room.

I remember going through the dusty archive,

And a madness of a wet afternoon.

I remember your reluctance,

I remember the lies you spoke to me,

I remember googling your name,

And trying to find you in FB.

I do not miss you?

You may wonder...

You may think I regret it all

Thinking as my greatest blunder.

You hardly know,

So do not assume my sweet stranger…

That one day and those stolen moments,

Made my dead life bloom.

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