Sunday, October 10, 2010

Python Grip of Life

It's not the first time that life got me in its python grips choking the force out of me. Can life take life? We call it murder or suicide. I have been slapped by life many a times but fought back. For the last few days or may be last month, I have been battling several stages of bad health. I have struggled with fever and office work, and gym workouts. Add house hunting to it.

Shifting came with a price of breaking my back completely. I felt desolate when I realised how few real friends I had, in this world. How guys would take advantage if they were helping you. So I decided to help myself. I totally blew my puritan lid off one day. In one day I became promiscuous under the strong influence of antibiotics, antihistamines and vodka. I didn't know what started when and ended when. In a pub, in a room, in a car...late night, head dizzy, mobile lost but thank god no damages done end of day.

My parents arrived shortly and I am again on the detox mode trying to bury the memories of a scandalous day in a long lost graveyard.

I am looking forward to tomorrow. A normal day at office where I can say, "hey I am back" and at gym where my physio will take care of my troublesome left knee.

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