Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Old at Last

I am going to hit 26 this year and the grey hairs have started showing in bunches. I am also undergoing a metamorphosis it seems as I am becoming more and more serious faced day by day.

I still did have the happy go lucky cheerful look on my face a few days back. But I do not know what's happening now? Am I actually depressed and lonely? I just do not know because work and outside work is hectic. I hav to steal time if I really need some. On top of that I am also suffering from insomnia.

So is it...I am old and no longer getting old as I have already arrived.

I should look back:

26- years old
3- siblings
3- people I've considered my Best friend (at one point in time or another)
7- different cities
2- change of career
15- people I've slept with...I am a turbo slut :P huh?
3- times hospitalized
10- body piercings
18-years I've been in school
5- times I've been in love
5- degrees (3 diplomas, 2 masters)
7- job change
3- married

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