Saturday, March 14, 2009


I spoke with J today after ages and my throat was almost choking. Her silence was also unbearable. She wanted to feed me halwa on the phone and she insisted.she said that I should never come alone to see her but only with my husband. I had one of my greatest evenings today. I misplaced J's number again and was I not lucky that someone picked up today?

The moon smiles...the sky winks at me

Everywhere only smiles I see,
I found a piece of my heart today
As beautiful as a sun ray
I know I am flowing in the river
The river of that heart
I know that hand is in mine hand

Though we lie miles apart!
I can find my solace
I can find my peace

I know I will fix anything
No matter how hard it's to find the missing piece
Just stay with me
I shall be with you

In a moment...just a moment.

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