Friday, February 20, 2009

Jab I Met J

I knew Jab We Met will become part of my life. About a year ago I was watching it with someone beside me. I knew, just like Geet who vanished from Aditya’s life, ‘J’ will vanish from mine. I always assumed she was very happy in her dream job, with her family and with her dream man. There was no requirement for me, so I let it be. Little did I know that something happened and that Geet was not with Anshuman as Aditya had thought.

I know now how much I love ‘J’. Today I am trying to find the missing pieces. Perhaps everything is just fine. Then why didn’t she tell me…even I wanted her to be happy. I supported her when even her own were deserting her. I wanted her to be with the guy she loved.

My life changed so radically after I met ‘J’. Just like she had said…things went fine…my career and personal life, though the journey was bumpy. I don’t know what to do. I have to find the girl who made me what I am today. I will never let go of my ‘Mishti’, my friend, sister and enemy, someone who was so super possessive about me. I know she is not a mirage and I shall catch her one day.

I have surprised myself that I can be so much passionate about this thing even after such a long time. The best part is everyone is supporting me in my quest from my side. They must have lost their head.

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