Monday, February 9, 2009

It's a small world!

I have come of age in my industry and that I can say proudly. Every other person I have met at my current organization now, knows someone who I also know professionally. This is amazing as it makes team bonding easier.

I am enjoying the last few days of my single life though life sans men can be hardly called a life. The huge number of women in my area of work bugs me big time. And I don't care if they are drop dead gorgeous or anything.

My recent moment of high came when my past and present merged in the form of my ex and my current facing each other. Boy they got along well. Thank god I am at peace.
My recent moment of low was finding out that my greatest fear had come true...I just have no clue where my baby "J" is.

I am getting over my heartbreak over my last organization...still wondering why things went so bad. Most of my seniors love me, consider me to be talented and with potential. I do not know what is wrong with her. Anyways never mind. Well all the green eyed people in my life have been short sighted and insensitive to my feelings.

I have been a witness to some of the worst marriages and going for one. I am also looking forward to meeting my 'doctor saab' and 'topiwaala'. Thats the best thing about my current has all my dear friends at one place.

I also hate dressing in formals everyday and hate looking feminine...sporty and funky is my style and tomboy style not this yukky bit. Well I am looking forward to meeting my PM.

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