Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lessons Learnt form Rich Dad’s Before You Quit Your Job

I recently left my job and relocated to a new city. During recession this was a bold move. I came upon the book, ‘Before You Quit Your Job’ by Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter at my cousin’s place. Though this is a book which might inspire entrepreneurs more, there are quite a few lessons for any professional in it. I will put just some of them here.

Negative people are not the same as brutally honest people. It is necessary for someone to know all the hard and difficult facts about one’s situation.

There’s a difference between help and a crutch. Since arrogance leads to ignorance, it’s necessary to ask someone about something you don’t know but do not ask for too much.

Mentors are important to keep one in tract. You may not know your mentor personally as a book and also a role model can serve as a mentor figure.

The best answers are found in the heart and not in the head.

Many a time people are not as successful as they would like to be is ‘fear’. This fear is the fear of failing. This fear also prevents one to take risks and wait for the perfect situations.

What was effective ten months ago may not be effective for the current context. It’s essential to upgrade yourself and change might not be so much unsettling after all.

You do not need to be the first to win. How you market yourself or safeguard your findings and find the right people to promote it determines your position.

Just knowing what to do does not mean you know how to do it. Many times it is observed that top students at school do not perform in an outstanding way in life.

The book is written in clear and concise language and is nicely segmented for good understanding. It is a must for anyone having a hidden entrepreneur inside. Good examples from real life experiences are drawn to explain certain ideas.

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