Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Story of a Strange Girl

Here is the story of a strange girl.

The girl was tall, attractive, and pretty studious. She used to spend long hours in the college library. Most of the books she read were outside syllabus. She was from arts stream but was also jointly pursuing courses in journalism and computers. She was athletic; thanks to the martial arts classes she attended. Girl had very few intimate friends. Those who liked her were charmed by her little poetic little naughty personality. She was eloquent and fearless.

However this girl was not a nerd. There were too many men in her life. There was so much of variety to these men. Girl believed that the spice of life were men. Men, the ultimate solution to end tension, friction and weird relation. Living away with no attention from men was impossibility to her. By destiny or luck, she always found good friends and yes you are right …these friends were mostly men.

Irony was, Miss Perfect never found her Mr. Right. She loved children so much…she letched after them. She wished she had a child and yes, children were also attracted to this extremely alert, playful and affectionate girl.

Now coming to weird relation as mentioned earlier. This girl also liked girls, rather she liked women with power, ability, strength. For a long time she believed that she was destined to love only women when one day her mom intervened saying that it’s her fault behind this girl’s women fixation. It’s strange how the mystery behind a girl’s personality may remain in the way the person is brought up or on childhood experiences. This girl wanted to be strong, beautiful, in control, invincible. But only some of these qualities were present in her mother. Result was, this girl grew up with a strange complex. She always thought that the presence of a beautiful strong woman brought completeness to her life. So long list of women joined to long list of men.

Travel bug had infected her badly and it ran in the family so she was all over a place. God knows how many people she knew. Many thought that she was just running. Running from what, from whom, she never knew. Life had robbed her of orgasm. She never found what she was really looking for. As far as I know, she is still on roaming mode.

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