Monday, October 13, 2008

Last few days...

Now I am going to mention certain things that have taken place in my life in the last few days.

I had my birthday surprise this time with someone trying to wish me at 12 am. Too bad she did not get through as I was speaking with my parents. Well she was from Infy.

My best friend of many years came down all the way from mumbai just to see me for half an hour. He went back to mumbai the same day and then flew to delhi where he stays. He said I have become more gorgeous with the passage of time. I showed him the pic of the girl I use to stay with at Chennai.

Well nobody can beat this girl in the way she celebrated my birthday last year. I want to say again...I love you J...I have loved you J. Inspite of all our differences, you are my sweetest sister.

My aunt lost her battle with cancer. My dad was with her in her last moments. Looking at her life I want to tell all of you, please do good to people. Do not gossip or backbite. She was not such a bad woman, she loved me and I pray for her peace. Thanks to my boss for sending me home when she did so that I got a chance to spend time with my aunt.

My laptop has been fixed by a good soul, a colleague and thanks to my boss again.

There's a lot of work for me suddenly at office and I will be working out of two locations. Thanks to my boss again. Only that she should stop looking at people as she does. It's uncomfortable and does not suit the situation. I have asked her to read the body language book hope she gets the clue. She looks straight in the eyes without blinking and never looks at other places while talking. I do not know why she does that with her big green eyes.

My boyfriend, 2 year old Samit is a marwari usual. I love him so much, he is a darling. His mom Seema is such a cool mom. Wish I had a mom like that. She is also very intelligent. She reminds me of my friend Sweta, who is also a jain.

Sweta and my boss has same colour eyes. They look sometimes like wild animals...evil. I know Sweta was thinking about me on my birthday. I just know. God bless her!

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