Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Day I Hit Land

Birthdays and new years have always meant the same for me. A time for recollections,evaluation and future goal setting.I have been doing this for how long I don't even remember.

Now I am almost 30 years old and every birthday I had this hope that on the coming birthday my single status will change. Fortunately or unfortunately there has been no development in that thing.On every birthday, however I do get some type of surprise which I am not able to predict from before.

I will be talking about some of my achievements. Some recent, some old.
I have a formidable academic background. As a kid I wanted 3 master degrees and yes I have achieved it with a MA, a PGD which is equal to masters and a MBA. There is nothing left for me to study to excel in my field. Whatever is left are mastering as many languages as I can, practical application of studies and soft skills.

I have travelled a lot in most of the metro or pseudo metros of India.I know the areas, how to travel from one place to another; in short I can manage it alone. I will go abroad soon.

At work I am doing what I wanted to do. Always wanted a lot of variety and cross-functional skills and my work area gives me that.

Now let me talk about my love life. Well this sounds extremely cliched and ironical. What 'love'? I have only felt lust and attractions and affinity. Sometimes they have stretched so long and have also emotionally bruised me, but ultimately something good came out of it.

Like a true romantic I am an ardent worshipper of beauty.Sometimes beauty inspires and I am never behind in cherishing these sources of inspirations.

Since I have travelled so much and have mostly been on the move, there have been too many frequent separations in my life.People with whom I have been so intimate with, have vanished from my life just like that. I never had any regrets whatsoever. I am all prepared to take on anything which life or death may throw to me.

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