Sunday, October 5, 2008

Durga...Durgotinashini (Killer of all evil)

How would you feel if the doctors tell you, that you are going to die around so and so date?Well delivery dates for babies are estimated in that way. Even death is also like birth. Couple of years ago I fell ill suddenly during durga pujas. It was a bolt from the blue. There were no doctors anywhere and I was in severe pain. Couple of months back the same thing happened again. This time I was outside my hometown but all turned out well in the end.

How do you handle these sudden health related calamities?My aunt is terminally ill and today my cousin told me that we should pray for her peace and peace only means one thing. Our parents' generation is going to diminish and this shall perhaps start with my aunt. She has older siblings but such is her destiny. Cancer kills so fast. I am so far away and it is a different pain I am altogether in. They can see her...feel her suffering. I can only assume. I cannot rejoice. I cannot enjoy and for the first time in my life I have started to think seriously about marriage. It will momentarily take our family out of this heaviness of doom. It will put colors on the grey canvas of death and suffering.

I can't believe what is happening. Say someday I am diagnosed with such a disease. Severe pain, blood, suffering and the utter feeling of hopelessness. I met a junior recently whose dad is suffering from cancer. She is also outside kolkata and wants to return home as soon as possible now. She was cheerful but her eyes betray her pain. I found strength in her condition. On last saturday I was virtually lost in the Pune Camp area. The scorching sun was gnawing down at my skin and I had no idea where I was. I was so pissed out with my condition and the person who I was supposed to meet had not arrived. Just then I saw a man in black glasses. There was a voice which whispered in my ear, You fool, you have eyes to find out your way, you can see, look at him.

This weekend my landlord's son had come to collect rent and said he was increasing the rent. He was not to be convinced but I came out and spoke with him that I had just come to pune and my salary has also not increased. He ultimately made the attempt to understand my condition and sympathized. So perhaps I don't have to look for a room again.

And when I stood in Kirkee Kali bari yesterday, there were tears in my eyes. Because the realisation came to me that I have so many gifts. Gifts which I seldom use for myself. I should never ever crib about what is not there because for every single thing that is not there, there are more than two gifts given to me to make up for that. I just need to appreciate it and love myself for it and also share it with others. So on the occasion of Durga Puja and my birthday, I would like to tell you all to love and appreciate and help people around. Be kind, be gentle, fight and defend when you have to. Prioritise the stuff in your life, learn to say 'yes' and 'no' when you have to. More than anything expect less and detach yourself.

This is the real secret of being happy and making others happy.

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