Thursday, October 16, 2008

Being Silly

I don’t know what is wrong with me. That day I was reading a mail answered by my boss and a tear rolled down my cheeks. During the meeting when I was sitting in her cabin, she was briefing me about a project I need to work on from another location. I was so sulky and down inside.

I am just being silly. Just thinking about my previous RM also makes me sulky. She has always been so supportive, so much warm towards me. She has judged my work with praises and critical remarks. They have always been so helpful. She works so hard and yet looks so bright and fresh all the time.

I will also miss the late latif PL of my first project. I have never been able to make her understand, how much she is dear to me. The one who took me to hospital when I was sick. I will also miss my team, my friends across the department.

I am just going to give it my best shot. For the sake of all I care about. As for leadership, friendship and Sr. position responsibility, I would like to quote a friend:

"As for friends, I guess relationships build only when they have too. Give it time, maybe this is not the right time. The Universe will take care of your interests. Yes, I think a senior position brings about trememdous challenges in terms of what one's behaviour should be toward others. One could go the stereotypical way or negotiate a space where respect is elicited not by compromising with one's emotionality but by enhancing one's credibility to lead."

I am lucky that I know someone closely who exemplifies the last description which I want to be or may be a middle level.

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