Monday, November 3, 2014

Toxin of Life

I was just throwing displaced glances at her. She was chatting on the phone and cooking in the kitchen. I already knew who she could be chatting with. My heart was already telling her, Why are you doing this?

I have known her for the last few months. On and off. Every time, a guy comes seriously into her life, she goes off my radar. Only wrong guys come into her life and she sticks with them for a while. Consolation comes to me from friends saying, This shall pass too and it will not last because fun times don’t last forever.

Just knowing her this year, made me question so many things in my life. For example, when was the time I really did something which made me happy? When was the time I let go? When was the time I fooled around in gay abandon?

After meeting her, I have taken more calculated risks in my life this year. Travelling, meeting more people, being confident, handling my losses with more control and detachment.

There are certain toxins in the physical world which are fatal individually but when taken in moderation, heal serious ailments.

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