Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Last Six Months

The last six months have been very hectic for me. Professional life was teeming with activities and some of it were spilling in my personal life too.

Exploring and figuring out stuff can be interesting but I guess I am too old now. Exploration also requires time and energy. These two things which I am always lacking. I thought that they will ask me at work to take a break or a tiny vacation. I have asked for a day off because of some urgent work and yet this leave has not been approved till now. Tomorrow is my journey date. Now ask me why am I not surprised?

Kit has not called me so I will not take the pains for arranging a meeting between us. I am looking forward to this weekend I must say. I absolutely have no idea how its going to turn out to be. Something tells me it's going to be good or maybe amusing.

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