Monday, April 5, 2010

Sleepless and Silly Memories

It was one of my sleepless nights. I do not know exactly why I was sleepless. It could have been the heat or the left side of bed or just my recent dysentery bout.

I had put my AC on timer and every time it stopped I was wide awake from the semi consciousness state I was in. Since there was just nothing to do, I tried a nice time pass. I tried to remember all ultra silly things that I have done in my past. When I thought then a major portion of memories were filled with only one person.

Somebody I had proposed to a long time back and decided to remain loyal to for a very very long time. I have such mixed feelings for this person. Now some of the silly memories with this person.

I used to learn martial arts and every other day used to tie my belt in a wrong way. Reason, every day my Sensei (teacher) will ask this person to tie my belt. I used to smile in a silly manner everyday during that session.

Now the second thing is a whole list of stupid misinterpretations of this other person. I made her so conscious with my attention that every contact was considered by her to be uncomfortable and perhaps uncomfortably romantic. I became aware of it because we were not able to practice sparring in front of our peers. Both of us were uncomfortable dressing and changing when we were alone. I could not hold her hands, hug or kiss her though we were close buddies. She was so conscious if I tried to soothe her finger when she got a cut from rose thorns or I tried to feed her mishti from my own hand.

This object of my silliness also started to eat some of the roses I gave her on her birthday. I made sure I gave her synthetic roses later.

There was also a long list of saying something and hearing something else which are a little indecent to be published online.

I once asked her how many siblings she had and she said around 17 or something. I thought her mom dad were superman and superwoman. Actually this mischief head had counted all her cousins too when I asked her how many brothers and sisters she had.

I do remember my first practice fight with her. She was smiling so sweetly and lo!! She landed a nice punch on my face. That was her style, very inviting and sweet and when you walk into her territory, she will blast you off.

I call her vanilla ice cream. This vanilla ice cream has had chocolate sauce on her for more than one occasion. Once she was wearing white dress and dropping chocolate ice- cream on her and then the other occasion was pure brown puddle water during monsoons. She looked awesome.

Well I had my share of being wet also when I dropped water on her bed and totally drenched my pants and you should have seen how nicely she accused me of being a baby.

I have also punished her once by making her do squats on the road holding her ears just like being on detention and that too on her birthday.

Well I was on the receiving end when I received the greatest love letter from anyone in the form of an email with lines and lines of 'I Love you' from her with the last sentence as' but like a friend'. So cool, mischievous and heart breaking at the same time.

As lost memories started rolling in, my eyes rolled off to sleep. When I woke up in the morning I had a smile on my face which just wouldn't go.

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