Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Colors and RED

We need to be very careful about what colors we are using when we are working for any web content. It can be web pages, e-learning or anything. Color is everywhere from backgrounds, font, frames and pictures. Different colors project and communicate different things. Likewise even colors we wear frequently on ourselves project and communicate stuff about ourselves to others.

So what is it with me and red? I used to be very fond of wearing blues, pastel shades and white. Come 2006, I land up in Mumbai and my favorite color changes from White and blue to bright red. Not only red clothes, I became fond of red carpets, rugs, bed sheets, table covers, bicycle, car, buckets, mugs, table cloth, lingerie, door-mat, shoes, junk jewellery, towels, nail polish, bath robe, the list is endless. I started wearing bright colors also.

People who have visited my places in Pune and Bangalore will know what I am talking about. So what is it with me and red? However, recently I find this red inclination waning a bit. It came all of a sudden and it’s going too. So power did the red color have over me?
Was it rebellion, independence, energy, life force, cheerfulness? I used to actually feel represented by this color.

May be some psychotherapist reading this can answer me.

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