Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Real Man

All my life I have been thirsty for a real man. Now what is a real man according to me? Tuff, macho, metrosexual, sensitive, reserved, hunk…what are the qualities which really make a man a man according to me?

I do like sensitive guys but I do not like cry babies. I would love a guy who can fight another guy with naked fists and can also sweep me off my feet by his charms. So keeping this in mind, I can say that the current guy in my life is an utter failure. I really don’t care if he can cook well or tickle me for hours.

The reality is he can’t keep up with other men when they are climbing up hills. He cannot hold me down. He is not rugged and he cries like a baby. In short he cannot protect me in any way. So why should I be with in any way. I might have as well been with a girl and felt better than what I feel with him.

I thank GOD that I now know what repels me. Hope it’s not too late to correct my mistake of finding the man who doesn’t mind being scratched or hit. I will find him soon.

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