Thursday, November 19, 2009

Confessions of a 20 something IT Professional

“For the last few days or if I may say for the last 1 year, I have been subjected to too much strain and stress.

I left my job, relocated to a different city, to a different job and to a different life since I got married. I also joined my dream company with high hopes on myself as well as the company. With the passage of time everything started crumbling as work pressures mounted and with that expectation from seniors. These expectations were sometimes baseless and illogical. There was high intolerance for errors. Good qualities were mostly ignored and seldom appreciated.

I started crumbling emotionally and physically. Sense of worthlessness and pain gripped me. The optimistic me was slowly dissolving in the acid of circumstances. I started learning new things, increased my travelling and tried to make more friends. Nothing helped much as more than 12 hours in average was spent at office. Other time I was working on official documents at home after office. When my husband frequently left on long trips it strained me even further. I realized most of my friends who were once great had become so much self-centered. I hardly had any option but to take an extreme step…

I climbed up to the roof of my apartment and stood on the edge. I could visualize my whole life there, waiting to topple. I thought about all the people I had lost in the last 1 year due to various reasons. The feelings of misery become more and more severe. They were like thick black storm clouds waiting to burst out. I hated my office…my life…my worthlessness. I was a loser. I had tried so much to remedy everything. Yet nothing has clicked. As I walked on the edge I closed my eyes to embrace all that came with my decision to end everything.”

Well such is the story for so many of us. Most of us are actually concentrated in the southern region of India. The feature below also talks about it. What is the solution?

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