Sunday, December 21, 2008


That time has come again when I am going to say farewell…God be with you!

As I sit on the hill and look at the sky, my eyes fall on the two stars. One a little bigger than the other. The smaller as though chasing the bigger brighter one and the bigger despising the smaller one. Just then two cute puppies run over my feet, one of them teasing the other.

I come down from the hill and see the red Maruti Suzuki with number 8674. I stare at it for some time as it looks like a Hyundai Getz of the same color, same number. I walk past it and sit on the bench and see so many ladies having a familiar type of hair tied in a familiar way or fastened with a clutch clip.

I also look at the towering building which has emerged just beside the highway. I wonder if I come here years later will I still feel the overwhelming passion I feel now? Because anywhere I look, I seem to see only you or parts of you. Just like the outline of a sketch on which I want to run my paint brush, I also feel running my brush on the outline of your nose forehead and neck. I feel tempted brushing aside the stray hair that falls over your eyes. I also feel like blowing some hot breath on your tired eyes.

I wonder why people sometimes cannot understand love and its depth? They are so much concerned of what is not happening, what is not going their way. They miss seeing love and affection kissing them since they are so much occupied avoiding the thorns.

When I look at you I can’t even say that how much I love you. I know that your heart has become so pragmatic, so barren that either you will disbelieve me or disregard my feelings. What possible reason I can have now to tell you all this? You believe that everything is connected by cause and effect. I don’t want anything from you, how do I make you understand that? If everything is related to work, then tell me didn’t I put my heart and soul in it?

As always I destroy and kill myself in love only to emerge like a phoenix. Parts of it shall always remain in the environment, reminding you of me. Take care of yourself and learn from the mistakes. There is more to this world than just right and wrong. Look at the greater picture.

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