Monday, November 3, 2008

My Life Needs a Rewind/Erase Button

I was thinking for a very long time of changing my place. This is because I was keen on inviting people to my place. Friends, relatives...coworkers. I do not know when that will be possible.

Today I will write about everything I dont like or feel bad about:

1. Sharing my place with a person who does not match me in anything. I hate listening to the TV booming in her room. Her slangs. Her parents...well list is endless. I hate myself enduring all these.

2. I don't like going to the other office in the afternoon heat with the bus feeling like a tandoor and then entering a super cool room.

3. I hate the work pressure which noone can divide or share.

4. I don't like paid so less compared to other dumb people.

5. I feel bad that I can't share my life with the guy of my choice.

6. I wish my parents were surrounded by hundreds of servants all paid by me to serve them.

7. I feel bad that frequently I am surrounded by children but none of them call me 'Mom'.

8. I feel bad looking at all the unfinished writing I had begun.

9. I feel bad when my boss passes me everyday at morning and evening, but never offers a lift though my answer would be 'no thanks'.

10. I feel bad that all my friends at office talk in their regional tongue though they know I don't understand it so well.

11. I feel bad that my boss does not have a heart and takes my loyalty for granted.

12. I feel bad that most people I have given importance in my life is like my boss.

13. I feel bad when I see how the years have affected me.

I'll add more to this list as soon as I find...

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