Friday, September 26, 2008

I Want To Get Fired

I seriously want to get fired.

I am trying so hard nowadays but carefully, so that I do not tarnish my professional image. I keep on pestering our head boss. I have been a free resource for the last two months and so I am hungry for something substantial. Most of the people in our team is idle, but they are mostly freshers or people who have just started on in their elearning career. The situation is not the same for me. I have a substantial amount of professional experience and thats where it hits me the most. I have also recently completed my management degree.

There was no requirement for an ID Manager in the organization because there was already someone senior working in the organization. Well well everyone cannot lead or train people. Rather inspire and mentor people. I have been in the lead position for too long. When I was working in web content, I got promoted within a year to team lead positions. I was working with cross-functional teams. When I entered the Elearning industry, I continued working in lead positions though unofficially. When I became idle when projects ended or during economic slur, my Seniors immediately put me into something productive and substantial.

Most of the time I found some work for myself. The problem of lack of work came again in my last organization and then I started working on ventures which were a bit removed from my sphere which was instructional designing. I have quit organizations, the moment I realized that my RM will not let me progress the way I want to. When they have come in as a hindrance to my learning. Ironically they are the people who actually put in recommendations for my promotion. This is where I want to add some wise thoughts. Anybody who promotes you may not substantially wish to enhance your knowledge or learning. Remember, your getting promoted or hired can bring kudos to this person but ultimately this person would always want to harness you. The moment you show your dynamism and potential, all the insecurities of this person will wake up. You are doomed in that case and the best advice in this condition is away before it gets too late. If you are good you will be hired anyways so never compromise on your learning or what you really want to achieve professionally. But when you leave a company do not sling mud on that company or your senior. Be diplomatic.
I am joking...Man. Cool is out be happening. Combat your problems; gather courage to deal with your boss. Talk to him/her about the issues. Give them a chance to help you.

Well currently I want to be fired which necessarily does not mean that I want to be hired. I regret the fact that a few days back, a senior in my company wanted me to lead a team and I refused. When asked why...I cited work and occupations in my department. What a mistake!

Your decisions go a long way to decide your miseries. Yes, I chose mine.

What can I do I was wondering?
Software Engineer

I studied MBA to know more about the working of an organization rather than to become a manager. I want to be a leader :) not a political one but let me see. Perhaps yo reader you can help me. Help my present and my future.

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